When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they will not overflow you. Isaiah 43:2

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Thoughts for the Day

As we arrived home today from our second beach trip of the summer, my husband and I pondered our many blessings. We had the great opportunity to go to the beach twice in the past two weeks, once with his parents and sister's family and once with my parents. Both were outstanding. We feel so blessed that our children are so close to their grandparents and that everyone gets along so well. In addition, both sets of parents paid for our accommodation and food while we were there. Amazing. As the children frolicked on the beaches and parks of the Central Coast, I often sighed deeply at the peace and serenity of a family knitted together by love, patience, tolerance, and flexibility. We are all different and yet the same in that we value the connection of family ties and what each person can offer to the group.

We lost great grandma Dee a week or so ago. I had not communicated with her in 20 years or so. The loss of relationship I experienced with my grandparents will not be revisited on my kiddos. Scott and I have the tremendous advantage of loving, patient, accepting parents, who will never be separated from their grandchildren (if they have anything to say about it!!! LOL!). But seriously, as I have very few memories relating to Grandma Dee, I have very little feeling of loss realting to her passing. It has just been more of an overwhelming reminder of our mortality and the shortness of our time together here on earth. It reminds me to cherish each moment, to say the loving things I feel more often and to slow down, let the dishes sit a few more moments while I read my kids another book, and relax about the things that just won't matter when I'm gone. I am thankful for this reminder.

On a completely different note, Scott and I have decided to expand our animal family. He is in the process of building a chicken coup and we are picking up a kitten tomorrow as well. With these new additions to our menagerie, we look forward to new adventures and some yummy eggs from our new hens! :)

Switching gears only slightly, there are 145 days left until baby number 3 arrives. We will know in a few weeks the gender of the baby at which time we will begin preparing the house, rooms, clothes, name list, etc. As I sit here, he or she is reminding me he or she doesn't like when I sit for long periods in this computer chair (my back is reminding me as well!) so I must sign off now as a long bubble bath is calling my name. Sweet Wyatt is already sound asleep with his arms stretched over his head in the "touchdown" position! What a cutie!

More beach pictures will post in the next few days! :)


Anonymous said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful time on your vacation. I enjoy those rare moments like you described just sitting quietly and happily watching the happiness and memories going on around us.

I had a very close relationship with my Grandparents and am so thankful for that. My children don't have that and I hurt for them. I became a Grandma almost 2 years ago and will have another grandchild next month. I am going to be the kind of grandma to them that mine was to me (the Lord willing).

Good luck on the chicken coop. I just finished mine and will be posting pics soon (check my blog later), it's not much, but I did it and I'm proud of it LOL.

Thanks so much for stopping by and for your comments! I'm enjoying your blog too!


Anonymous said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful time on your vacation. I enjoy those rare moments like you described just sitting quietly and happily watching the happiness and memories going on around us.

I had a very close relationship with my Grandparents and am so thankful for that. My children don't have that and I hurt for them. I became a Grandma almost 2 years ago and will have another grandchild next month. I am going to be the kind of grandma to them that mine was to me (the Lord willing).

Good luck on the chicken coop. I just finished mine and will be posting pics soon (check my blog later), it's not much, but I did it and I'm proud of it LOL.

Thanks so much for stopping by and for your comments! I'm enjoying your blog too!
